Image changes every 30 seconds
The search bar returns the user to the home page at this point
The order of the flights changes based on the selection
made in drop down menu, as seen in the figure below.
The order of the flights changes based on the selection made in the side bar
Then order of the hotels change based on
the selection made in the drop down menu.
Clicking on the change details button
brings you back to the flights selection page.
Clicking the magnifying glass brings the user to a pop out page to see seats in full view.
The Change details buttons
brings the user to the next page.
Fare type choice and baggage choice effects price.
Clicking on any of theses buttons will allow the user to change their selection on that page.
Reminder comes up underneath box after text is entered
An Asterix * will appear beside the information,
that is missing and the boxes missing information will be outlined in red.
A message will appear under continue in red
"please fill out the above form to continue"